When it’s all said and done, Nancy Pelosi will likely go down as one of the MOST corrupt politicians of all time – and she’s not letting that stop her from continuing to defraud the American public.
Pelosi has enjoyed a lengthy career in politics, a career which she has taken advantage of to amass a massive personal fortune through the most shady ways imaginable.
The crooked politician has a longstanding history of executing major stock trades based on the information which only she and some of her congressional colleagues are privy to – the definition of insider trading.
Despite being worth a couple hundred million dollars – Pelosi’s greed simply won’t let her stop, and she’s still at it!
Pelosi’s husband sold a significant chunk of Google stock in the month of December, right before the Department of Justice would announce a lawsuit against the tech company.
The DOJ suit alleges that Google has monopolized the digital advertising market.
It’s brutally obvious that Nancy was in the know about the coming lawsuit, and alerted her husband to dump the shares before that news was made public.
During her time as Speaker of the House, Pelosi was confronted about her repeated insider trading incidents and essentially laughed in the face of the American people.
She – like many of her collaborators on the left – thinks she’s above the rest of us working class Americans.
According to Pelosi she should be allowed to get away with making millions off of insider intel – an act that would land any one of us in jail.
When will this end? Watch the video here to see how disrespectful Pelosi’s trade is.
What needs to be done is: Stop talking about it and prosecute her and anyone else that has done this. Fines, jail time, forfeiture of assets due to illegal activity, revocation of retirement benefits. You know, stuff that the regular middle class person would have done to them.
Why nothing getting done? All talk No action? McCarthy should have her arrested and removed from congress! Freeze her retirement pension funds! Since she has violation the laws BY INSIDE TRADING! Even there other democrats who need their retirement pension frozen! For their role in funding ANTIFA, CALLING FOR ATTACK ON SUPREME COURT JUDGE, PUSHING ATTACK ON OTHER, LYING UNDER OATH, AIDING THE ENEMY, I could name ,them but yiu know who they are! Democrats party has over 200 of them! They all should be EXECUTED BY FIRING SQUAD!
Firing squad would alleviate some incarceration costs but the incarceration and loss of money would be more painful for these traitors.
Where’s the SEC? This inside trading is a crime and should be prosecuted alongside those who profited from this crime. Theses politicians are no better than criminals that rob a bank. They’re more Sinister you can say Jesse James without a gun Willie Sutton once said the best way to rob a bank is to own one. The Pelsoi Act is a good start. Nothing will happen while the justice department is being controlled by the Democratic politicians and the Attorney General and judges are involved with this inside stock trading. Theses clowns politicians who believe that they’re above the law and Immune to prosecution. The American people are sick and tied of theses waste of time committees which are the best song and dance show that take waste taxpayers money with little or no results. The IRS & the SEC along with the democrats FBI needs to investigate theses politicians for fraud and income Tax version But everyone knows that this will never see the light of day!
Let’s not forget Martha Stewart was put in prison and assets taken for same thing and she wasn’t the only one
Nancy Pelosi is just as bad, and in some ways worse, than Hillary Clinton! Both of them have spent years using their positions to gain power and wealth by undermining and stealing from the deplorable American taxpayers. They both need to be wearing orange jumpsuits and scrubbing floors with toothbrushes!
Nancy, Nancy, Nancy: You know that our Catholic Church teaches that unrepented, unconfessed abortion, and its evil sister contraception are mortal sins, that one goes to Hell for! Where do you and your family want to spend eternity? Do what you can, for the rest of your life, to spread devotion and the protection of God’s Images (babies)!
All involved needs to be prosecuted! IRS need to take all monies and shore up SS first. All guilty Dems or Reps replaced by voters not the lying administration we have in place. It’s time to stand up and let them see they are not above the law. Another solution with all inside trading money is put it toward the national debt. Go America!!
Nancy Pelosi is a crook and she will never be prosecuted, the same as Biden will not be prosecuted. As I hate to say it, the republicans will fall short of going after them.
Public still reeling from 2020 when Pelosi and Feinstein dumped investments causing the downfall of many investors who either got out of the investment game or went bonkers. The two insisted that they were not guilty of selling out with news of COVID, but news articles begged to differ. What information they received that the public did not, don’t know other than they may have had inside data that marked the beginning of the COVID scare meanwhile they were not happy when President Trump closed the Western border. Hmm!? Mixed messages, me thinks.
Never say Never! There is little doubt that the Left is corrupt and crooked and one day their high flying swing will fall – – with them in it. When it happens their world will rock and it won’t stop shaking until they are all crying woo is me. That’s when we can expect to see the redeemers flushing the toilet of the dirty waste on the Left. And, I can only hope that there are some honest members of the Left working with the Right to clean the houses. For all we know, work maybe in progress at this very moment. Ohh, and by the way, the ole mighty DOJ may well be expected to be part of the dirty waste. So have heart ole wondering sole, redemption may be approaching.