Everybody knows who Alvin Bragg is by now. The Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney took the unprecedented step this month of indicting a former United States President. Meanwhile, people in his city are getting raped on the subway platforms in broad daylight and murdered by criminals that he releases without charging.
House Judiciary Committee Republicans held a hearing in New York this week to highlight the disparity in how Alvin Bragg and other Soros prosecutors are getting people killed with their soft-on-crime approach. The hearing was also designed to embarrass Bragg and the Democrats, because they continue wasting countless man-hours persecuting Donald Trump, while no prosecuting real criminals.
One person who testified before the hearing was Madeline Brame. She’s the chair of a group called the Victims Rights Reform Council. Ms. Brame’s son was an Afghanistan war veteran who was brutally murdered in New York City by a group of gang members, back in 2018.
After waiting for five years for the case to wind its way through the justice system, Alvin Bragg got his hands on it just a few weeks ago. And guess what? Two of the gang members that brutally murdered her son on camera are already walking around free, because Alvin Bragg has been running around talking to Stormy Daniels in a feeble attempt to get Trump.
Watch her chilling testimony as she describes just how incredibly evil Alvin Bragg and other Soros-funded prosecutors are when it comes to applying the law:
Bravo- Good for Mrs. Brame. She ( her victims right council) needs to sue the city of NY & Bragg personally for the travesty of justice. Bragg should be disbarred & criminally prosecuted. The worthless Governor of NY should remove Bragg, as Desantis did with the Tampa-Soros prosecutor.
Then he would have too look in a mirror, and indict himself!
How many more people has to die before we get rid of this Soros bought judge and others like him . Get rid of Bragg and
Well, Bragg is the D.A. (District Attorney), a prosecutor, not a judge, but we get the picture of him being a far left soft on crime partisan hack who is wasting resources trying to bring down Trump that should be used to prosecute real criminals and keep them behind bars so more future victims are spared.
My deepest condolences to Mrs. Brame on the death of her son.
Could Bragg be brought up on dereliction of duty? In the military it would be possible, but in the private sector?
I wish this soldier’s fellow soldiers could ban together and make things right.
You know that Bragg is a low life worthless attorney who is a mennice to society, he makes his living by taking money from rich scumbags like Gorge Soros I would spell that name differently how about (Sore ass ) sounds much better don’t you think. I LIKE IT I LIKE IT HAHA
What an articulate and passionate message!
Hers should be shared everywhere!