Delusional leftists are going insane over what they claim is a “transphobic” artificial intelligence software that keeps “misgendering” them.
The software scans the user’s face and then creates a cartoon version of them but “trans” individuals are being hit with a harsh reality while using it as it’s reminding them that there are only TWO genders – and there’s no escaping that!
Biological women pretending to be men have tried trick the software, which analyzes facial features to determine gender, into depicting them as men but they’ve been unable to do so, claiming that the AI has “viciously misgendered them” by portraying them as their biological sex.
Similarly, men who are mentally ill enough to think that they’re women have had their hopes and dreams shattered by the software that reminds them no amount of wigs and makeup can turn a man into a woman – so much so that they’ve basically had full-blown mental breakdowns over the “transphobic” AI.
These deranged leftists have been coddled and led to believe that “gender is a spectrum” and they can decide what their sex is based on how they’re “feeling” but this software forces them to come to terms with the fact that this is complete and utter NONSENSE, and these fragile individuals just can’t seem to handle that!
Watch the video here to see how hilarious it is when these radical leftists are forced to face reality.