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Klaus Schwab’s Right Hand Man Reveals EVIL New Plan To Get Rid Of “Useless People”

World Economic Forum contributor Yuval Noah Harari is Klaus Schwab’s right hand man and he’s got a new solution for what to do with “all of these useless people.”

Harari claims that the biggest economic and political question over the next decade will be simply how to keep the “useless” people occupied.

The WEF elitist says that the problem is what to do with them and “how they will find meaning in life when they’re basically meaningless and worthless.”

He goes on to spell out his proposed solution for this: transhumanism!

Harari says that the only path forward for humanity is for “humans to become gods” via accepting a transhumanistic future.


However, as he puts it, not ALL of mankind will accept this – claiming that only the “non-useless ones” will go along with transhumanism.

This absolute mad man goes on to say that “free will is a dangerous myth.”

This sick attempt to force people into accepting eugenics is something which we have not seen on a mass scale like this since the Holocaust.

If we don’t fight back before this narrative continues to entrench itself in world governments, we could be looking at another mass-level attack on humanity, and once this one is underway there might be no way to stop it!

Watch the video here to get the facts and prepare yourself before it’s too late!

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8 thoughts on “Klaus Schwab’s Right Hand Man Reveals EVIL New Plan To Get Rid Of “Useless People””

  1. Kurpt SLOB is a Nazi through & through. His Father was one of Hitlers Nazi’s & ran a Prison Camp during WWII.
    The NUT JOB doesn’t fall far from the tree. His mother should have aborted him, doing the world a favor.

  2. Very ugly and sorted ideology ; this what happens when rich people “ think “ the are “ GODS “ on the contrary ,they are nothing but true evil narcissist’s ! All the money and riches in the world will never make this happen , and the attempt will surely backfire on them , all of wef elitist’s would become targets ! Maybe ? The useless will end up giving the elitist’s a good dose of transhumanism , for they are truly the useless of the world !

    1. I have been saying this for about a decade. It is the self declared elite that are wrecking this country, the world. These disgusting human beings must be dealt with, sooner, rather than later, or we the sheeple will regret doing nothing. The governments of the world are bought and paid for, by these monsters. Now that they’ve told the world exactly what we are to them, I pray it enrages mankind. I also hope that it’s not too late

  3. Just think of all the kind, wonderful things those people could do for the world with all that money if they’d start caring for humanity instead of hating us so much. It’s sad that they think the way they do. Talk about useless.

    1. And where and who did they steal all that money from? Us. Useless eaters. Maybe we should take their stolen monies, steal it back, and split it up. Let these sickening creatures live like they have forced us to.

  4. Tube tying ghetto whores who breed bastards with numerous men is not a bad idea. They used to do that in Puerto Rico.

  5. Useless Mouth’s Is A Basic Communist Chinese Belief, that’s where this Twisted Evil thinking comes from in the first place.

  6. Yeah it’s the biggest bunch of bull I’ve ever heard and people need to be thrown in prison I need to take all their wealth back that they stolen from us all these years and make them live like we do that’s sure change your mind right quick I hope we as a society will wake up to this before it’s too late

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