Kavanaugh Protestors Were PAID Democratic Operatives

Is the left truly oblivious to the distrust they have fostered throughout America? Do they actually fail to understand why no one trusts or believes any of their stories, or are they just lying about all of it?

You can see the conversation on most mainstream media outlets. They get accused of pushing false narratives, underreporting controversial issues and generally trying to paint a one-sided picture of our country. CNN and MSNBC are the worst, and they still haven’t noticed that it’s the main reason their business model is tanking.

One source of mistrust is the idea that a lot of liberal protestors aren’t real activists but are instead paid to make noise. With billionaires like Soros and Bloomberg throwing countless dollars at social justice, it isn’t the most far-fetched idea ever. Yet, media outlets like CNN have tried to dismiss this notion as the rave rantings of people like Alex Jones.

Does it really matter if protestors are being paid? The short answer is, yes. The reason paid protestors are an issue is because mainstream media tries to use them to paint a picture of the widely held beliefs of all Americans. If so many people are willing to miss work and pay travel expenses to march on Washington then this must be a key issue! You can see why protesting as a profession undermines this narrative.

That still leaves us with an important question. Who do we trust? Are the protestors being paid or not? CNN’s penchant for lying doesn’t necessarily prove that this underhanded tactic is taking place. Well, the question has a definitive answer, and you can find it in this video. Despite what mainstream media will claim, there is absolute proof as to whether or not protestors are acting in a professional capacity. Take a look.

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