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Jenn Psaki Embarrasses President Biden, Exposes His Ridiculous Sleep Schedule

When it comes to the leader of the free world, you would think he gets up bright and early to get a jump on the score of issues facing the country on any given day…right?

Apparently not if it’s Joe Biden we’re talking about!

According to former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, the nickname “Sleepy Joe” really is the best way to describe President Biden!

In the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, Joe Biden gave a speech at 9:00 AM EST and Psaki was shocked that the senile old man was up that early. “It’s important to note, President Biden does NOTHING at 9:00 AM,” Psaki said claiming that he’s a “night owl.”


Psaki tried to sell this as if Biden was working extra hard by getting up early after staying up late, except the claim the night owl claim is a complete LIE!

An article from 2021 detailing Biden’s schedule reveals that old Joe actually gets to bed much sooner than his predecessors! The 80-year-old starts his nighttime routine at 7:00 PM.

With Psaki revealing that the president refuses to work early mornings, that means Biden is spending more than HALF of his day sleeping.

No wonder America is in shambles! Our president is sleeping his days away while we the people suffer thanks to his absolutely terrible policies!

It’s sad that this is even a conversation in America. Joe Biden needs to get OUT of the White House and into a retirement home where he belongs!

Watch the video here to see what a joke America has become under the current leadership.

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10 thoughts on “Jenn Psaki Embarrasses President Biden, Exposes His Ridiculous Sleep Schedule”

  1. Who believes this demented, senile old man makes decisions? He can’t string one sentense together without going off script.

  2. This article has it all wrong. We would all be much better off if Sleepy Joe slept 24 hours a day. That way he wouldn’t be able to issue any more executive orders.

      1. We need to pray for our leaders, especially the ones who are given our country to China. Our constitutional rights and our freedom is being taken over by Chinese Military Communism and they are building up in Mexico.

  3. Its because in part blasted Jill just wanted to be a 1st Lady to make the history books despite her husband’s 50+ yrs Deep State Swamp Snakes career crook crookedness!! The whole Biden paper trail crime org, Joe and his bros Jim and Frank, son Hunter etc!!


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