Tucker Carlson made the epic announcement this week that his show is coming back, under basically the same format, but on a new platform. Not only is this great news for America, but it also looks like Tucker may have figured out a way to outsmart Fox News, which unjustly fired him.
See, Tucker is still employed by Fox News. They’re still paying him his $20 million a year salary, while not allowing him on the air. The rumor is that Fox News did this as part of its settlement with the Dominion voting machine company accused of rigging the 2020 election.
This would work to keep Tucker off the air until after the 2024 election. Whenever someone works in television or radio, they have to sign a non-compete clause saying they will not go to work for a rival broadcasting company. This prevents companies from poaching all the best talent from their rivals.
But… if Tucker Carlson is not bringing his show to a rival network like CNN or CBS News or some other place, he’s not really violating the non-compete clause. In fact, Tucker may be simply continuing to collect his $20 million paycheck from Fox News, because he is NOT bringing his show to a rival network.
He’s bringing his show to a free social media platform. This would allow Tucker to collect his giant paycheck from Fox News, while he builds up a huge following on the new platform. Sort of like building a wall and making Mexico pay for it!
Here’s Tucker’s announcement, which went viral a few days ago…
Right on tuck ! It’s amazing to me that Fox would do such a thing to your show. I hope an explanation will be available in the near future.
Has the silent (GREATER majority ) of our population learned from the huge reaction to Fox’s action against Carlson and that of -Bush beer – of the real power we have and have never yet used against these speech and thought dictators shoving their insane ideas down our throats ? Will we do anything with that power? Maybe there is hope for the republic.
It’s hard to believe that by letting you go,
Fox ? is really shooting themselves in the foot. You now become their competition and rival. And you are the best that they had and gave up.
Guess I don’t know enough about the inner workings of TV but this seems like a crazy move to me!
I wish you the best of luck and hope Hannity can keep Fox together or they will become a lost cause!