Joe Biden’s left-wing war on America’s oil and gas industries has been well documented but it seems we’ve only begun to see just how bad things will get!
From day 1, Joe Biden has been pushing a number of policies designed to handicap America’s energy industry under the guise of “fighting climate change.”
But what’s really happened is that this idiotic “leader’s” decisions have left America completely at the whim of foreign producers who now supply the majority of our oil.
We don’t even have any reserves because the idiot in DC decided it would be a good idea to DRAIN our strategic supply – even selling some off to China!
This on its own is bad enough, but pair it with the fact that Biden has been pissing off the major oil producers and we’ve got a BIG problem on our hands.
The US is still the largest consumer of oil in the world and the major producers – like Saudi Arabia and Russia – have realized that with American production capacity being CRUSHED by Joe Biden, they can WEAPONIZE the price of oil against us.
And expensive oil doesn’t just hurt Americans at the pump.
Because everything we consume is transported by vehicles that rely on oil, the increased price makes EVERYTHING more expensive for Americans, meaning inflation is about to get a whole lot worse!
Watch the video here to see how Joe Biden has put America in an incredibly vulnerable position!
He needs to be hung for treason to the United States of America ??
Amen. I believe he has sold his soul to the devil and China and other countries who will pay him for favors. Even when he opened our reserves to lower fuel prices a large amount of it went to China. He is destroying forest for windmill farms and trees are the best climate change necessity to rid carbons, CO2 and give off oxygen for human consumption. On top of that what are we going to do when china refuses to furnish parts for repair of solar and windmill farms. He should have our oil production wide open making us energy independent like President Trump and furnishing our allies with cheap clean oil.
Plus all the food destruction, fires, droughts, food shortages, and baby formula issue has hit the other 3 plants, so more formula shortages. This is why pine trees were used, they have high resin tar, and burn factors. Going after the small farmers, and Amish too.
i agree totally with you!
i don’t understand why there is not much of an uprising amongst our elected officials… even on both sides!
how dumb can people be to just sit there when you have power to do something.
i think biden is a Chinese spy and giving everything over to them. if not, how could he be taking so much vacation while the US falls apart.
A firing squad on national TV !
Or a public hanging!
I’m amazed at the short sightedness of every department of this Puppet Administration. There is not one in existence at this time that Americans can be proud of. Some one with an understanding of high school economics truly could be doing better than these traitors. Even our department of defense is infested. At this point America is broken. Our hope and salvation is the tenacity of the American people who have made America great. We will suffer greatly very soon now nationally, internationally, temporarily and physically because our food and necessities will not be able to be produced let alone be purchased by the typical American. We desperately need our President back in office to continue where he left off and fix this terrible situation caused by the current administration. God Bless America. Stand together with true principles quickly!
Well yeah. That’s because they’re doing it on purpose. Their intent is to destroy the United States and us, the citizens. I would never do anything illegal but I’m really surprised that someone hasn’t attempted to as*a**in**e him and his cronies.
i do think they are out to destroy the country… the only thing is, is once they do it and they think
they will have places in this ‘new world government’ they will quickly find out they were only pawns
in the grand scheme and will end up just like everyone else.
eventually evil eats its own.
it has happened in past history and when you repeat the same things over again, you get the same results.
stupid is as stupid does.
i don’t think assassination will happen… and really that is no way to solve the problem.
the way to solve it is for good men to step up and do something about it when they have the
opportunity. that is why we vote people into positions, but alas, it seems they are all to afraid to do
anything. that is how hitler got in to power and that is how germany fell.
JB is selling this country out! The biggest polluters in the world are not from America. China Russia and the rest don’t abide by big dollar global warming issues! Global warming is like snake oil and is being sold because it is a billion-dollar industry. You can bet, Al Gore and J Kerry are getting fat off one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated on the USA. The Dems are selling it because that lobby sends them loads of cash for their re-election campaigns. Pretty pathetic. Need term limits and age limits on the goofballs in office!
Instead of complaining about the treasonous democrats, stop voting them in office. If they are rigging elections investigate their crimes and swap their Gucci suits for orange jumpsuits.
They cheat in elections.!
yeah if we only had people w the guts to do that.
we have voted in wimps.
we need men w wisdom, knowledge and a dream bigger than
themselves. a dream for this country to become what it once was.
and if there are those who don’t like living in a free land, they should
try out china or russia or some other country where freedom does not ring.
but they wouldn’t do that. they think they will gain the power here
and then rule like the other countries, but as i mentioned before.
evil eat their own….
Yel, hard to do when they start an investigation the dems hurry and put in a puffin person . That destroy’s the investigation. Just wondering why that is aloud hmm. Anyway the democrats are going to stay in office cause they already know how to “win” elections . They got old joe in there by hook & crook and they will keep on using there famous hook & crook way to put anyone they want in. And the american public can vote for who they want but the crooks will have it. The only way to save is to get old joe and stupid harris impeached and to do that is for american people to call the White House and go in person with signs and show we mean business impeached impeached impeached.
A famous quotation from the (THEN – SENATORS – OF ROME) to one of their Senators by the name of CATALINE who continuously usurped the patience of the Senate and the citizens of Rome: “Quo usque tandem Catalinam abutere patientia moster” . English : “HOW LONG WILL YOU ( OH CATALINA ) CONTINUE TO ABUSE OUR PATIENCE” . I think that such a quotation might be applicable for the BUNGLING dolt who with his cohorts and foreign nations who are doing everything possible to DESTROY the once magnificent once ( U N I T E D ) States of America . Just maybe many of our Governmental leaders should read a famous piece of literature by name of : “WHAT PRIC E GLORY” –