Fed-Up American Confronts Hillary Clinton – Calls Democrats Out As Major Hypocrites

A recent Hillary Clinton speaking engagement didn’t exactly go the way the twice-failed presidential candidate would have hoped thanks to several FURIOUS Americans who shredded both her and Joe Biden.

Clinton was part of a panel of speakers during an event at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs which was supposed to be a discussion about the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

Things went off the rails a bit when a brave patriot by the name of Robert Castle confronted Clinton – slamming her for being a hypocrite for not calling out President Biden’s nonstop “warmongering” that is walking America into World War III.

“Can you please make a statement about President Joe Biden speech? This is a clearly warmongering speech. President Joe Biden is calling for $100 billion of funding for Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine. And we’re supposed to just bundle these together and pretend like we’re going to rush to World War Three, and we’re all just going to let Hillary Rodham Clinton sit here? Okay,” Castle said.


Clinton responded by trying to silence the man, telling him this “is not the way to have a conversation”

But Castle wasn’t let Clinton and her warmongering buddy in the White House get off that easily!

He continued “…The fact of the matter is that the American people’s voices are what need to be heard because our president is not speaking for the American people and neither are you…”

Watch the video here to see this epic confrontation designed to hold Hillary Clinton’s feet to the fire.

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8 thoughts on “Fed-Up American Confronts Hillary Clinton – Calls Democrats Out As Major Hypocrites”

  1. Corrupt HildaBeast is an insignificant fool & a Demon possessed Skank. Her & Slick willy belong in prison for the crimes they have committed ( and gotten away with) over decades. The last strange murder on Clinton property was Mark Middleton. a Clinton aid & Epstein associate. The Clintons have an entire list of homicides connected to them in one way or another. Do the research. The young man who exercised his free speech & made HildaBeast look bad, should have his head on a swivel lest he wants to end up like Seth Rich. ( murdered in D.C, with connections to HildaBeast , Speculated- he was going to blow the whistle on the DNC & HildaBeast- )

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  2. Hillary is still pissed because Billy got his woody waxed in the White House Office! The Marine Pilots who flew her around said she was the biggest bitch to taxi around.

  3. Good for him God bless why didn’t any of these people in the audience back this young fellow.

  4. The democrats are major hypocrites along with alot more !!!. Calling the shark lady out was great but the young man should watch his back now. All these dirty ass democrats stick together. I sure hope we can get them voted out but gonna be hard cause there so dam crooked. Vote in 2024 any way and pray we can end this treason bunch from office.

  5. The only thing I can say is that they’ll meet their Maker on judgement day. They won’t lmow what him ’em.

  6. They are worried that she had made the call to Suicide hot line and didn’t want their names added

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