In the early, stressful days of the COVID-19 panic, many Americans had no choice about vaccines. Millions went to mass-vaccination centers and accepted what health authorities injected as safe and effective.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine seemed a good choice. It only required one injection, where Pfizer and Moderna shots were a two-dose product and were filled with a worrying mRNA sequence. Then things went sour for J&J after nine people died of blood clotting side effects. That’s a death rate of one person for every two million shots.
The FDA found out about this in early 2021. After a two-week pause, they reinstated approval. In a classic example of bureaucratic glacial double-speak, the FDA spokesman anointed the J&J vaccine as an alternative for those who might be allergic to the other brands.
The FDA has no objections to anyone risking their lives in the U.S., but has relegated J&J to a third choice. As far as poorer countries not yet fully invested in immunization, go ahead and use it the FDA says. They care even less for those people. It is better than nothing, and you’ll only lose one out of every two million people you vaccinate.
So, from the outset, the FDA knew that the J&J shot was unsafe. Fortunately, according to the club spokesman, the bad effects occurred within two weeks of receiving the shot. If you passed that two-week window without, you know, dying of a blood clot in the lungs, you are now perfectly safe.
Jimmy Dore believes that the FDA is a corrupt and criminal enterprise. See his take on the J&J debacle on the YouTube Video below.
I’m not surprised! Our government is o careless!!
I will NOT vaxx, ever. I am much safer w/o ANY vazzzz.
Many people in my area still have side effects, spikes in the liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, brain blood clots, strokes, and spikes in the uterus and ovaries. My friend had to have blood transfusions, iron infusions, spikes in the womb, and ovaries, waiting for a hysterectomy. The vaccines affected her platelet, she had to wait until her platelet was high enough. Only 37 years old.
Biden is destroying our Military academy people who wouldn’t take the vaccine.
Can we trust any claim by this Administration….or, the Fauci, Birx, Gates TEAM .who own the patents …making Millions of dollars …
Definitely not, they have lied to us since day one.
The FDA has known for months and months that the mRNA vaccines did not protect a recipient from getting or spreading Covid. They knew that it caused many miscarriages, still births, thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of disabilities. In short, they knew for a long time that these vaccines had very limited usefulness and were dangerous and murderous way beyond the limits that should have triggered recall! The leadership of the FDA must be investigated and held accountable for the tragedies they have fostered on the Anerican Peoples!! Why isn’t the DOJ, FBE, THE HOUSE AND SENATE NOT TAJEN STEPS TO HOLD THE LEADERSHIP OF THE FDA ACCOUNTABLE. Their lack of action makes them as guilty as the FDA!
It’s true they should be held accountable FDA could care less about us they said a drug is safe and and then lawyers everywhere start sueing companies for killing us . If FDA had checked out product to begin with we wouldn’t be dying .We pay them to kill us .I’ve sent emails to them asking what they really do just about every drug they say is safe isn’t .
Doesn’t matter Democrat or republican it doesn’t matter .When we did have enough Republicans to make a difference they did nothing .We need to have term limits and get rid of eighty and ninety old all they do is sleep .They shouldn’t be able to be in there for 60 years the only they do is sleep .
The FDA has known for months and months that the mRNA vaccines did not protect a recipient from getting or spreading Covid. They knew that it caused many miscarriages, still births, thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of disabilities. In short, they knew for a long time that these vaccines had very limited usefulness and were dangerous and murderous way beyond the limits that should have triggered recall! The leadership of the FDA must be investigated and held accountable for the tragedies they have fostered on the Anerican Peoples!! Why isn’t the DOJ, FBE, THE HOUSE AND SENATE NOT TAJEN STEPS TO HOLD THE LEADERSHIP OF THE FDA ACCOUNTABLE. Their lack of action makes them as guilty as the FDA!
No ….because they are not blaming Pfizer & Moderna for the clots caused by their shots!
Their numbers far surpass Johnson and Johnson!
I meant Yes!
I took the j&j vaccine, thank God I had no side effects but have felt different since taking the shot, my hair is falling out have strange Illnesses like thrush never ever had that before, I will never get a booster shot again the government is playing God with our lives.
I made a big mistake by getting the J&J vaccine in April of last year because I was told it was safe and because I could not take others because of medical reasons at the time there wasn’t anything reported on side effects (serious) ones,just a sore arm anyway three wks.after injection blood pressure when completely crazy has been ever since on all sorts of bp meds but not controlled, as well as low heart rate never before was this a problem, guess I will have it til it kills me. Do I trust to take another vaccine shot for covid no no as long as there is breath in my body I will not trust cdc they said it would leave your system after 6to 8 months that is not true it will be in your body forever! Use your head God is in control put your trust in God almighty not man. I certainly wish I had don’t be fooled everyone has choices just make sure you make the right one so you don’t spend rest of your life wondering what else long term effects you may have after the shot that is not being told!!!!
I’ve had both shots and so far have had no problems. Of course I am also on blood thinners due to being a heart patient but I have yet to suffer any problems at all.
Take proper nutritional supplements, wear a mask. and don’t hang out with idiots, including people in restaurants and bars. Yes, common sense,
Just live scared the rest of your life.
You believe anything coming out of the media and your government. Then you deserve to died! Wearing a mask will not save your life or keep you from getting the virus! But what virus? This was all about DEMOCRAT need a way to force the people to STOP VOTING FOR TRUMP! Had nothing to do with anybody. When you have the media in your pocket, it easy to tell LIES! BECAUSE MEDIA WILL HELP PUSH IT! The ones that was going to get hurt the most was the ELDERLY PEOPLE and THOSE WITH WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEMS! You can ask yourself what would happen if the world turn on America? Knowing it was these politicians and Biden they rude their economy as well as America! Other countries depend upon America, but democrats was on CHINA PAYROLL!
The China Virus “Vaccines, have three phases of Mortality;
The First Phase, which is short term effects, are adverse reactions usually seen within 0 – 30 days of being jabbed. They include: blood clots, thrombosis, myocarditis, strokes, heart attacks, spontaneous abortions, pulmonary embolism and anaphylactic shock.
Phase Two, which kicks in around the 30 day mark and extends up to a year, is the medium term effects of the “vaccines”. The adverse reactions start to become more severe, and include: vaccine-induced immunodeficiency, ADE(Antibody Dependant Enhancement), autoimmune reactions, prion-like neurological destruction and heart failure.
Phase Three, is the effects of the “vaccines”, which extends up to 10 years. Long term effects include: spike protein-induced chromosomal damage, cancers, severe immunodeficiency, fatal autoimmune disorders, suppressed DNA repair mechanism NHEJ, and infertility/reproduction disorders.
It’s Population reduction, and total control, the soon to be enacted Digital Currency will have the Govt. know exactly what you bought, where at, and how much…
To me, it’s obvious that the vaccines are just for making money. Especially when you look at what they tell you about how long they’re effective. It’s a money stream for all those invested in those companies!
If you follow the money, I’ll bet the democrats are heavily invested!