By now you’ve probably heard all the hyperventilating about the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court. Donald Trump has been taken off the ballot for the Colorado primary, because the court declared that Trump waged an “insurrection” against the US government.
I’m stunned at how many people are just freaking out against this ruling, especially noted legal scholars, who didn’t take 15 minutes to read through the actual decision. Donald Trump is on the ballot in Colorado and he’s going to stay on the ballot in Colorado. Here’s why.
On page 9 of the ruling, the court issued a stay against its own ruling. To maintain the status quo pending any potential decision by the US Supreme Court, the Colorado Supreme Court issued a temporary stay against its ruling until January 4, 2024.
Here’s what the ruling says on page 9:
“If review is sought in the Supreme Court before the stay expires on January 4, 2024, then the stay shall remain in place, and the Secretary will continue to be required to include President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot, until the receipt of any order or mandate from the Supreme Court.”
The second that this ruling came down, President Trump and his attorneys announced that they are appealing it to the US Supreme Court. That keeps the Colorado Supreme Court’s stay in place indefinitely. By the time the Supreme Court even gets around to putting this case on its docket, Colorado’s primary election will be over. Trump will be on the ballot, and he’s going to win in Colorado.
Watch the video here to see how spineless Democrats are trying to cheat their way to a 2024 victory.