The Democrats are in complete panic mode amid recent revelations that they’ve been hemorrhaging the black vote which they’ve taken for granted for decades. How are they trying to fix it? BUYING THEIR VOTES!
From 2016 to 2020 Donald Trump saw his share of black voters rise by 50% signaling an ideological switch begin amongst the black community.
Meanwhile, when Joe Biden was elected he had an 80%+ approval rating among blacks and that number has dropped significantly to around 50%.
The Democrats KNOW that if this trend continues they will lose future elections in landslides.
So what is their plan to win 2024? Buy off black voters but call it ‘reparations.’
With California as their testing ground, these desperate leftists are trying to pay off black voters by promising them millions of dollars in reparations – never mind the fact that the state can’t even afford it.
Black voters – like all Americans – are extremely concerned about things like inflation, an economy on the brink of collapse, and high crime levels.
Instead of addressing any of these concerns, Joe Biden and the Dems are effectively just trying to BRIBE people in exchange for their votes!
All the while, they will continue to peddle certain policies which will DIRECTLY make these communities lives even harder than before the left pretended to help them.
Watch the video here to see how the Democrats are once again taking advantage of the black community!
I think this Newsom idiot has realized CA doesn’t have the money to give to these life long bums, CA has done itself in on a lot of fronts. But how does a state that never had slavery, and was against it, pay money to people that were never slaves, by people that never owned slaves ! Again, democrats prey on the weak minded people in this country.
The Communist Democrats and left will lie, cheat and steal to get more power and money. They use Race to further divide the country and any Crises or disasters to further their agenda. They attack our Constitutional rights and freedoms. They are destroying our economy and food supplies. They are about to gain complete control over all of us with the implementation of the Programable Fed Coin. It will let them press a button and take all your money if they don’t like what you buy or who you donate to. It will lead to no more cash and Equity income (just like China does). They don’t enforce our laws and let Marxist organizations ANTIFA and BLM operate with impunity. They use them to attack our democracy, history and cause Social unrest just like Hitler used the Brown Shirts!
Isn’t paying for votes against the law? If not, we need to pass it now. This is ridiculous. Why are the Democrats so desperate? Are they hiding something a new President would discover? So many questions about the Democrats’ behavior.
Don’t you think Newsom and the Democrats have bitten off more than they can chew? The California blacks now think they deserve the $1.2 million per person and without a doubt will take an action if the California legislature reneges on what Newsom’s panel has come up with. It looks like he has put himself in a box. I doubt the California taxpayers were consulted on this arrangement
The fact these morons believe that it could be done, tells you how stupid those c00ns are!
If the Black voters in California are really dumb enough to allow their vote to be purchased by the promise of “reparations”, then they deserve every negative thing that has been or will be said about them. Those who actually believe Gov. Newsom will fulfill that promise, considering the state is on the verge of bankruptcy, and are already planning what they will do with their financial windfall, deserve to be called “shiftless”, “lazy”, and “worthless”, especially considering the fact that not one of them has been a victim of slavery during their lifetimes as none of them were alive before 1863 when the Emancipation Proclamation was instituted. Those who would rather live off of the labors of others rather than be productive citizens themselves deserve what they will eventually end up with–nothing. And those who choose to live off of government benefits, which are actually paid for by those who are productive–have actually enslaved themselves to the government because what the government gives it can always threaten to take away if you don’t march to their tune. If they truly want the “R-E-S-P-E-C-T” all people deserve, they need to stand on their own and refuse to be the “patsies” for the progressive socialist Democrats who only want their votes and could care less about their futures.
Blacks have been the Achilles heel of America for decades and it’s only gotten worse.
My maternal ancestors were Irish slaves.
My paternal ancestors were Cherokee and many died on the Trail of Tears. My ancestors left the tribe and went to the Ozark Mountains and not Indian Territory / Oklahoma. There they were put into slavery. It was years before they made it free and went to the Cherokee capital in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Can I get reparations? It was history and history does not change. We learn from our history to not repeat it. Do I want reparations? No. I do think this government should recognize the many Irish and Native Americans that were enslaved.
Never give money to n*****s, let the lazy MFers work or starve!