Conservative Youtuber Mark Dice just put on a shocking experiment which shows that Democrats HATE Trump Supporters more than ever before.
Leftists are still in denial about what really happened in 2020 – they refuse to admit that the sleepwalking corpse that is Joe Biden did NOT legitimately win the election.
But now we’re past the point of simple disagreements.
As Dice exposed, these deranged leftists want anybody who disagrees with them or their beloved Democrat overlords to be ARRESTED.
While speaking to people on a boardwalk in California, Dice baited people into showing their true colors by signing a fake petition supporting that Trump supporters who believe the 2020 election was rigged be thrown in jail.
“We want to stop these Trump supporters from continuing to say that Joe Biden stole the election. You’re not allowed to say that on social media it violates the terms of service,” Dice said, leading to one man jumping at the chance to sign in support.
“Oh, I’ll sign that shit,” the man said emphatically, “Fu** ‘em!”
“We’ll start arresting them and stop them one way or another,” Dice added, to which the man responded, “I love that!”
Another family rushed to sign the petition with the mother saying, “I hate those motherf***ers,” referring to Trump supporters.
When Dice said “We’re going to start arresting them,” the father made sure he got a chance to sign and even one of their brainwashed kids offered to sign before being told he was too young.
This just goes to show how the people that voted for Joe Biden to “unify” America, don’t want unity at all – they want people like you and I thrown in jail for daring to voice our opinions.
Watch the video here to see this incredible experiment expose the truth about leftists.
Democrats sign petition to arrest and jail all Trump supporters who say 2020 election was stolen, in shocking experiment.
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) October 19, 2023
Its not what they say, its what they do. People who believe that men should not have a voice in abortions because they can’t have babies but should dress in women’s locker rooms and compete in women’s sports, because they can breast feed, well, what more can you say about their mental processes.
I had to laugh at the ridiculousness of these people (if not, I’d cry). Dice even said “I’m not sure what country they think they live in where they can say such things….” Anyone with 3 brain cells to rub together should have paused at that point and said… “wait, we live in America”… But no, they kept right on thinking that Americans should and would be arrested simply for for speaking their minds. Our FIRST Amendment right! I simply cannot understand the hatred in the hearts of these people that is so strong they cannot even see the most blatant of reasoning. Satan is strong , but GOD will win!
It goes to show that the fascists are NOT Republican, but democrats, as they feel the government should be the arbiter in what is true and how Americans should think and act. Long live LIBERTY!!
The Hitler mentality is back in the Democrat Party and their Hamas Loving followers, who would sign a petition to put people in jail for their free speech, I hope Trump supporters who know these people who signed that garbage petition and see the evil their neighbor holds for them, our elections were rigged, fraudgelant, corupt and no matter how many of you Braun dead Demoncrats who hate us real American citizens that fight for what us right, and I hope those people are punished by God for their anti American biased judgement. The proof of elections being corupt is coming out but the sheep in the Democrat party still bury their heads.
It apparently is ok for Democrats to say Trump was an illegitimate President . Hillary still says it. Do they think she should be thrown in jail. Of course not. And what about Al Gore. Only when Republicans say it . Throw them in jail. Some should prefer we die. Sad! Biden the Great unifier. HaHa ?
We should take those who signed it to the boarder and put on a slow boat to China and remove their American citizenship. Talk about being brainwashed! They must be getting welfare.