- The Democrats are so disturbingly obsessed with maintaining their grip on power that they REFUSE to let a clearly mentally incapable woman retire – instead having her staff TELL HER how and when to vote.
California Sen. Dianne Feinstein is 90-years-old and has faced countless calls to resign due to her health (which might even be worse than Joe Biden’s!) Even some of the few sane Democrats have called on the elderly Senate Rep. to resign – but the establishment has not let her.
Her cognitive inadequacy was made clear during a recent hearing when her staff and other Senators were seen instructing her on HOW TO VOTE! “Say aye,” Washington Senator Patty Murray said to her colleague and repeated herself three more times but Sen. Feinstein still didn’t understand.
Feinstein instead began trying to read a prepared statement before a staffer rushed over to stop her and told her again to just say “aye.”
“Yeah,” Murray said once more. “Just say ‘aye.’”
Then, Feinstein finally sat back in her chair and let out an “aye” for her vote, exactly as the Democrat overlords wanted her to do.
Her cognitive decline couldn’t be more obvious, but they’re still trying to hide It from the general public to keep her in the seat.
A spokesperson for Feinstein later claimed that had “just slipped up amid the cluster of votes.”
“The senator was preoccupied, didn’t realize debate had just ended and a vote was called,” the spokesperson said. “She started to give a statement, was informed it was a vote and then cast her vote.”
They think we’re stupid enough to buy this! Watch the video here to see how OBVIOUS it is that Feinstein needs to go – NOW!
what about Mitch McConnel though? He literally froze mid-speech last week…where is the outcry that he is too old and mentally incapable of being a senator?!
This fossil along with a few others that come to mind: Waters, Pelosi, McConnell, etc, are poster children for term limits, Being a congressperson was never intended to be a life-long career, but rather a term of a few short years in order to serve the pubic in a break from your actual career. Look what this has trurned into…INdividuals like this becoming drunk on power and becoming rich beyond thier wildest dreams, at the expense of the rest of us.
Please resign !!!
FRAKENSTEINS battery is dead. The Kalifornicator has always been a useless waste of skin.