Every chance the Democrats get, they just continue to prove to the entire country how they will do ANYTHING they can to destroy this country.
After they invited millions of criminal illegals into the country, they’re now going out of their way to conceal those criminals from Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents who are simply trying to make our communities safe again.
Illinois Democrats have been blocking ICE agents from entering prisons and jails to deport hundreds of illegal aliens who are locked up, which is alarming enough on its own, but those same Democrats are kicking things up a notch.
Real America’s Voice Reporter Ben Bergquam revealed that the Democrat Governor of Illinois, JB Pritzker is backing a new legislation which allows illegals to CHANGE THEIR NAMES to hide from ICE.
The new law removes previously existing restrictions on illegals preventing them from changing their names.
Democrats who have supported this law openly admit that it could help illegal aliens evade ICE deportation efforts, keeping dangerous criminals on their streets and putting the American citizens they represent in danger.
Bergquam said that the Democrat Governor was “rubbing salt in the wound” by helping illegals over his own citizens.
“Governor Pritzker, not only is not allowing these guys in the jail to get these guys, he just announced that they’re able to change their names. They’re getting driver’s licenses and able to change their names so that they can hide more easily from ICE. These guys are traitors. That’s what they are. They need to be arrested as traitors to this country.”
Watch the video here to see how the Democrats a betraying Americans here.