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Democrat Doctor Accuses White House of MAJOR Communist Style Cover-up

Joe Biden’s medical condition may be even worse than we thought and the cover-up we’re seeing out of the White House is just flat-out un-American.

Doctors specializing in Parkinson’s disease have been secretly visiting the White House to determine if that’s what’s wrong with Joe.

The White House has, per usual, denied the allegations but a life-long Democrat and Parkinson’s expert is accusing them of a SOVIET-LEVEL COVERUP.

Dr. Tom Pitts noted that Joe Biden is showing several of the “hallmarks” of Parkinson’s disease, from his slow movements to his soft monotone voice.

Pitts went on to note that it’s not hard at all to look at Joe Biden and see that he has all the hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease, revealing that even he as a Democrat is willing to admit that.

In fact, he said that Biden’s condition is SO OBVIOUS that even a med-student would be able to point it out.

The doctor added that he is extremely frustrated by what he sees out of the White House regarding Biden’s health status because while he may be a Democrat, he is an “American before everything.”

He compares the kind of lying coming out of this regime to what we might expect from Soviet-era Russia or the modern day North Koreans.

In other words, even left-wing voters like Dr. Pitts are now catching on to the fact that the modern day Democrats are a bunch of LYING COMMUNISTS who will make up completely ridiculous stories to control the narrative.

Finally the truth about the Dems is coming out in a way that even their own voters can’t ignore.

Watch the video here to see how the tide is turning.

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