Racism appears to be alive, well, and this viral video confirms it has infected one of America’s most popular and oldest companies — Coca-Cola.
A whistleblower at the soda company reports that the massive corporation is actively indoctrinating employees into the left-wing gibberish that to be White is effectively the same thing as being a racist. Coca-Cola wants its remaining White workers to understand they are inherently bad people because of their light skin color.
For example, a stunning “racial sensitivity” training at Coca-Cola calls White people “oppressive,” “ignorant,” and “arrogant.” The liberal corporation also insists White people shut-up, listen and believe in themselves as racist, even if they treat others with compassion and fairness. You’re all White devils. You just don’t know it!
But this explosive video doesn’t just expose the garden-variety insanity of left-wing zealots in corporate circles. It takes their very training and turns it on its logical head. By asking “what if” the alleged truths contained in liberal doctrine were applied to others, giant holes are poked through Coca-Cola’s ridiculous exercise.
Ask yourself, what if terms like “oppressive,” “ignorant,” and “arrogant” were applied to Muslims, Jews, African-Americans, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or AOC for that matter? We all know there would be some reason why liberals and non-Whites couldn’t possibly be racist.
If you want to watch critical race theory dissected and turned into a farce, check out this outrageous video.
No coke in my lifetime
I have always bought Coke products and have bought my last. I will not contribute to all this . I am not ashamed of being white. My God made me in his image. So disgusted with people like you money bags who have fed off of us for years and that’s how you got to where you are. But sometimes it takes you to get on the pedestal before you can fall to the ground. Fortune can be taken as fast as you received it. Quit causing division. That is so tribal and gets you nowhere. Bunch of idiots and I pray you know what that word means. If not maybe you need to learn it before you start your training. You are in for a rude awakening
Right. White is a color!!
I can not think of one reason to justify the racist theories that this and similar courses preach. For any company to force such an invalid, racist and devisive upon it’s employees in nothing short of communist inspired brainwashing. I will not knowingly purchase any product or service from any company that subscribes to such a course. As a side note… can anyone show us where the gene is for witness, blackness, Christianess, Jewishness, or any other “ness”?
well coke you lost a lifetime consumer here even in the Pepsi cola challenges back in the 80s it was always Coke on my choice (and i tried to pick Pepsi a few times) but now I guess you’ve done it no more Coke allowed in my household.
Never drank the shit.! Takes rust off cars. What does it take off inside you!
Obviously it melts the brain as these reverse racist Coke idiots don’t have a clue!
No more combo’s at fast food places either, no Coke in my body ever again!!!
Mount me in and my famil
Nor mine!
I am confused, can white-skinned people be the only racist???????????.
I was once an employee of Coke . That was a long time ago . The world has undergone a lot of twisted moral changes.
The rioting and burning of businesses was peaceful or just a community barbecue. These people are crazy , plain and simple.
These companies need to shut down! First of all it nobody busy what other people think! You want to single out white people? Then you better start looking at where your investment money coming from! RACIST IS in every race not just white people race! Do you make black employee to take class on how to ACT LIKE YOU GOT SOME SENSE? Or how to COMMUNICATE WITH OTHER RACE? Don’t try to change one race for the other! Keep your nose Clean! And remove those who have problem accept the fact they are just as racist as OTHER! Coke bottom line in a business is MONEY! NOT SOME DUMB CRYBABY IDEA! One reason it not smart to put a black in the manager position! Once they get it , you can believe THEIR HATE AND RACIST COME OUT TOWARDS OTHER! I have seen it thousand of time! Then you act like you can’t fired them because they are black! Why? You a Coward? Need to have ALL EMPLOYEE SIGN A LETTER FROM YOU. STATE ALL WILL BE TREATED EQUAL AND FIRED AS WELL EQUAL! CAN’T DO THE JOB THEN YES THEY DESERVE TO BE FIRED!
My wife will have to change her drink NO MORE COKE IN MY HOUSE IN MY LIFE TIME.
Back in the 70’s, AT&T tried this by requiring their white management employees to attend a three day, off premises course called Urban Minorities Workshop. As an attendee, you were preached at non-stop about the black culture, how one should accept their lack of skills, foul language and inability to put a cohesive sentence together. How they deserved to be promoted over better qualified white personnel to atone for ?. It was three days of attempted brain washing. How did it work out? Well, we all came back with bias we didn’t know we had and customers and customer serviced suffered. Good luck Coke!
I wouldn’t buy Coke for nothing. Come on who do you think you are? We live in a Free Country. Companies can’t tell you what to THINK. I hope everyone reads this. You need to see the light. You are the dark.
Haha. Is this for real. Coke just rolled over and destroyed their company.. well done. No more Coca Cola products for me. There WERE lots of coke drinkers out there.. not any more?
no coke in this family. coke a cola will lose a lot of business. do not support businesses that don’t honor AMERICAS don’t buy China, Russian, Twainian items, only AMERICA or go w/o…grown own food, make or remake clothing. be aware of who you support and where you shop.
I am free to express myself and no Co. will tell me how to think. Coke just lost another customer. Won’t be buying any of your products because you don’t think that white people are good enough and they need to be changed into your way of thinking. I’m fair to all people no matter what color they are but I don’t need you to tell me how and what I need to do and think. Glad I don’t work for your Company. I think your Company made a BIG mistake.
I am free to express myself and no Co. will tell me how to think. Coke just lost another customer. Won’t be buying any of your products because you don’t think that white people are good enough and they need to be changed into your way of thinking. I’m fair to all people no matter what color they are but I don’t need you to tell me how and what I need to do and think. Glad I don’t work for your Company. I think your Company made a BIG mistake.
Coke products now thrown out. These people need straight jackets!
I wouldn’t purchase another Coke product if my life depended on it. I am sick and tired of the systemic racism ideology. Why don’t we turn this theory on its head and substitute the word “black” for “white.” We are all tired of this nonsense. We are all Americans, should be color blind, and should strive to help each other succeed. Let’s have that honest “race discussion” that everyone talks about but really doesn’t want to have lest the truth be revealed. Nothing in life is free. Most people must work for a living. It all starts with the family unit and our belief in the Lord. This country has lost it’s way. I welcome the opportunity to have that honest “race discussion.” Bring it on because reparations (a feeble attempt to give one race free money/benefits for what happened during slavery days, for which none of us were personally responsible) is out of the question.
Maybe if us white people were t to stop buying your product you would change your tune .What you are doing is raciest .I am a big time come buyer I have a lot coke stuff in my house which is now going to the garbage you are a very raciest company .
I wonder if they tell their employees that the founder of Coca Cola was a Confederate officer, John Stith Pemberton, who created and named the original product. They should change the name if they are that “woke.” But I don’t think they will.
WELL …… GUESS WHAT PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES…..AND – I QUOTE….As what a line stated in the Article.
“Racism appears to be alive, & well,” ….. You Got That Right.!!! AND – It Will be This Way and Always.!!! Racism is Now Bigger and Worse than EVER BEFORE…… You can Thank That to the IDIOTS OF BLM…. The Fuel was dumped on the Fire by those Morons and Now, It is burning Hotter Than Ever and Will Always Keep A Burning.!!!
People Have Had Enough of ALL the B.S. from the Stinking BLM’ers…and ANTIFA. Welcome to Our Racist Country
and It Will Stay This Way…..Thanks to the People, Who Have Made It This Way.!!!! Just Wait Until Things Start to
Get Really Bad…… It Is Coming.!!!!!
I have drank Coke for 65 years . I now am to WHITE to do so anymore. Coke will NEVER enter my household as long as I Live. Goodby.
I couldn’t believe the stupidity of coke in the 80’s when they changed to new coke, trying to get pepsie drinkers and lost almost all of there coke drinkers including myself. They almost went bankrupt over that stupid mistake. I did come back to them when the new coke was dropped, but this finishes it for me. If the management at coke can is this stupid that they think they need to brain wash there imployees then they deserve to go out of business bankrupt. Calling on all white people, and guess what white is a color too, it’s time to reach the management of coke you don’t piss off your white customers and get away with it, boycott this bastard company
Coke is dead to me
I’m 78 years old and used your product & my friends and family our entire life. I’m also White and proud of it. Live and let live is what I have practiced my entire life. You liberals are destroying America. Hello Pepsi cola. Good by you racist ass holes.
So much for being “team” players. If you can’t be yourself then a suggestion would be to do just enough to keep your employment. Don’t share your ideas, or help anyone that doesn’t help you, lose the joy in working at a place you are not accepted for being you etc. So maybe the people that are “special” can run the company.
I have always used Diet Coke but no longer and I will encourage others to stop using their products too.
How dare you make your employees listen to this BS — They are their to work not advance your political beliefs!!!!!!!!!!!! The true racists are those that preach this BS
Time for a great big SORRY from Coke. How could they do this to all who love the drink and now will not buy another. Waiting for explanation…….
Keep in mind, Coca-Cola also sells Dasani Bottled Water, Barq’s Root Beer, Fresca Minute Maid, Fanta, Sprite, etc. I have no problem with boycotting.
1 have always drank coke coca ,but that will change! the new [ PEPSI-COLA] buyer! i’ve drank late 60’s and now i’m a pepsi guy now. i hope you loose a bunch of sales for this!
Democrats have used the race issue every time during elections. Biden has had more racial slurs and insults toward minorities of any person I’ve heard in government and otherwise. Implied that Hispanics & African Americans don’t know how to use computers to set appointments for 2nd covid vaccine administration. It’s individuals that make such comments. Biden has had KKK affiliation in some way when younger and his verbiage clearly states. Democrats state conservatives who vote Republican are racist, xenophobes, homophobes and whatever else they claim. They need to understand that we vote for our country and it’s people to have every opportunity to raise their families, provide for them, education, entrepreneurs, and freedom to worship. Democrats want us beholden to them. It’s apparent they think we can’t take care of ourselves that they must decide for us what we need and should do. They are enablers and it’s going to bite those who voted for them in the arse at the expense of those of us who didn’t.
No more coke or their related products such as Fairlife milk ,sprite, fanta orange.
Done with coke.
The only way to get our message across to businesses like Coke, Facebook, Twitter and the likes is to BOYCOTT their products. Remember their lively hood is our purchases and use.
I am confused, can white-skinned people be the only racist???????????.
Fuck Coca Cola!!!! Arrogant motherfuckers. I am so tired of all these stupid assholes dictating to everyone how they should act how they should conduct themselves. Fuck all of these assholes. When are they going to Mars? I want to be on the first flight. These fucking people have lost their minds in this nation and I for one am sick and tired of all this bullshit!!!! These motherfuckers want to start a war let’s get started so we can eradicate all these crazy assholes!!!!
When Coke drops to $1/share I’ll buy a bunch. Until then I am done with Coke. To hell with all these Blacks and company racial relations people. You people make people racist. I have lots of black friends, but those Niggers who burned down and destroyed all those major inner cities are racist NIGGERS and that was all paid for by George Soros who can burn in HELL!!!!!