The Pfizer COVID shot seems to suck all the air out of the room when it comes to damning evidence of intentional medical harm against people. But the fact is that Moderna’s COVID shot is even worse. All of the scientific data shows this.
Lo and behold, a US Senate hearing actually called the CEO of Moderna in to testify this week. Finally!
Stephanie Bancel is actually a dude, but he’s French so his parents gave him a girl’s name. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who is a real medical doctor who treats patients (unlike Tony Fauci), got the chance to question the Stephanie guy and it did not go well.
Sen. Paul immediately caught the Moderna CEO in a lie about myocarditis in young males aged 16 to 24. The Stephanie guy just flat-out lied under oath in front of the US Senate. Sen. Paul immediately called him out and entered six scientific research papers that have been published in some of the leading medical journals in the world into the congressional record.
What the Stephanie dude didn’t know was that Rand Paul had spoken to the president of Moderna privately just the week before. This Stephanie fellow’s public answers were completely contradicting what the Moderna president was saying in private, which is really creepy.
It was an entertaining moment to watch Rand Paul call out the Frenchman publicly like this for lying. Check out the exchange in this video!
Bastard Bancel needs prosecuted for crimes against humanity under the Nuremberg Code. As does all of the Big wigs at Moderna, Pfizer.
EXACTLY! I’ve been fighting this whole process under the Nuremberg Code, which was implemented FOR The People, to protect us from being used as Guinea pigs under the order of government!
Moderna Belongs to Bill Gates and the only medication to come out of Moderna was/is the Covid Killer Vaccine. And Bill Gates’s favorite words were, and probably still are (Extermination By Vaccination)
Senator Rand Paul does a great job again drilling down to real issues. All of those connected to the suppression of adverse effects for the Covid Vaccines (includes manufacturers, CDC, NIH, etc those who really knew the data) need to be brought to justice. Yes trials, financial punishment, loss of jobs, prison, etc.
At least Paul Rand tries to get it out there. And I for 1 appreciate it. but the Pharm companies were all about profit and the Democraps were all about control. we are going into a period soon, that will make the great depression look like nothing and it is being pushed by the Dems. and globalists. why do you think they want to take the guns of law-abiding people? so they can have control. why do you think the big push for electric everything and no oil? Because with oil it is to easy to refine and once you fill your tank they cannot control where you go (at least in older vehicles)! But with electric cars? who do you think will control the power grid? They will and if people start to get together they will just shut down the grid!
In the 1900’s the first cars were electric. They had the same problems then as with the EV’s of today.
It was these problems that led to the development of the combustion engine.
And as always nothing will happen. There is one word that is nolonger acceptable in the english launguage by ALL of the elete including ALL OUR government…..ACCOUNTABILITY……PERIOD….
My folks and I got a vaccine in the spring of 2021, they the Pfizer and me the Moderna. And of course we still got Covid, the Omicron variant, in Dec right near Christmas of that same year and into the first part of Jan.
Never again will have another vaccine or booster for Covid as we believe that our natural antibodies having had the Omicron in Dec ’21 and Jan ’22 are enough to protect us from any future variant strain.
Enough of the blasted Draconian poison in the syringe movement!!
In this family, of course we didn’t fall for The Vax. . . BUT we are not taking the flu vaccine any longer either, as we do NOT trust CDC, Big Pharma, NAI, NO ONE any more because they LIE.
Since Stephanie dude lied UNDER OATH, now what? That within itself is a crime.
Moderna Pharmaceutical CEO Stephanie Bancel is in the same category as Anthony Fauci a wicked person profiting handsomely off the misery of others.
As for the violation of the Nuremberg Code, let me say the holocaust and the exodus are 2 of the most extreme lies perpetuated upon the human race, but anyone who has ever been forcefully used as laboratory subjects as long as the Globalists and their loyal marionette NWO Cabal remain the evil acts they commit will continue.
If you believe Bancel had his own children injected with that mRNA poison 3 or 4 times you have no grasp of or footing on our plane of existence.
I am 62, never wore masks, never got injected with any of those deadly toxins being peddled as immune boosting vaccines against the Covid-19 virus nor as far as I know have I ever been infected with the Covid-19 virus.