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Biden Warns Americans Not To Question His New COVID Jabs

It’s not enough that Joe Biden has a dangerous new experimental vaccine he’s looking to push on the masses, he is now DEMANDING that everyone stop questioning it immediately!

While speaking before a crowd earlier this week, Joe basically raged against free will when it comes to the vaccines and suggested that people should just be quiet and take the jab like good little puppets!

Biden said that people, including “leaders” need to stop saying “inflammatory things” about the COVID vaccines, and fall in line with the orders sent down by his administration instead.

“What leaders say matter, in terms of people’s confidence in things they’re not sure about,” Biden said. “And one of those areas — you saw what happened with regard to the crisis — health crisis that we had that cost us — we lost well over a million people. And as time began to move on, you had more and more voices saying, “No, no, no. You don’t need to get that shot. You don’t need to be — get — you don’t need to.”


He continued, saying that the new vaccine is the “answer” to COVID and that anyone who suggests otherwise should be “cautious.”

Joe makes it pretty clear that he and his administration will not tolerate any dissenting opinions when it comes to the new vaccine.

Shut up and take it – or else!

Watch the video here to see Biden try and tell people that they should not think for themselves when it comes to these vaccines.

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41 thoughts on “Biden Warns Americans Not To Question His New COVID Jabs”

  1. That old incoherent old fart can take his vaccines and burn em . I refuse to put an untested drug into my body I have seen and heard to many people having adverse side effects from this bs so not just no hell no . To go further I have personally not had the flu shot for 15 yrs now I am 70 , I have not been sick with the flu or anything like it since so NO .

    1. The hell with ?im !!. He is not my boss!!!
      I agree that America is my country and my family fought for my freedom! He
      Needs to be taken out of office now!!!

        1. Actually, he’s the third term Kenya boy illegals chicom bribum Marxist in place sock puppet. A phoney who did not get 80 million votes from his basement. Who else can trip going upstairs? Who else is a, sniffing-fondling pervert? Who else took showers with his daughter, as written in her diary. Who else schuttles his crackhead son around at the taxpayers expense on air force two getting rich when V.P.? Who sat on a stage talking to the committee on foreign relations. Bragging how he got the Ukraine prosecutor fired who was investigating his crackhead son’s dirty deals. All on camera when he was V.P. Who is allowing open borders that now N.Y. has a population of 110,000 illegals? A sanctuary city that the mayor is crying wolf. The corrupt MSM that hides all of their lies. Can’t hide it any more. We, the People are not stupid.

          1. His eyes scares the living hell out of me and makes me think of Satan himself.
            This so called vaccine is not a vaccine it’s a flipin shot oh yeah everything we get to read on it clearly states does not prevent or keep you from getting it.
            Vaccine is a prevention medicine like …..MMR, Measles, Polio those are just a few samples of a vaccine.
            I was forced to take the shot because I worked in healthcare. I never wanted to get the shot. My right to choose was taken from me.
            I agree Biden needs to be thrown out of office along with the V.President.

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      1. We have the right to question anything he says or does. So far, he has not done anything positive for this Country or its citizens. If Biden is so sure about this experimental jab, then make every federal employee including Congress and you and your cabinet, take the jap and see what happens.

        1. I have a feeling that they’re not actually taking the jab they’re getting a placebo shot. While they’re trying to force others to their deaths. To many folks died from the shot alone & they wrote covid on the charts, cause they recieved a lot of money for each person with or who died of ” covid”. If you look you’ll see that those that died 90% had their shot & the other already had underlining health problems. So yeah, there’s no way in hell I’m getting that shot. Do some research & you might find that it was made to kill the population mainly black people.

      2. He should be reminded along with the rest of the government set, THEY WORK FOR US!
        We need an American led government that listens to the people, not dictates.
        We all know that Joe works for himself and his “family”, and for whatever benefits him the most.
        Next election, the hell with party politics, vote for the person that will do what is best for America.

        1. We need to take our government back. We need to get term limits on fossils up on the hill. 8 year term limit to be set as 4 years and then if relected 4 more years.
          A Congress lady was 91 she died while in office. The only time we have elections for any seat they vacate that only happens if they retire/ Die.
          Letting more people into the USA that can’t speak English so what happens well you call a company and you get if you want to hear this message in English press 1. That’s wrong

      3. Thanks to the madman in the White House & his lunatic Dr.? Faci cardiologist all over the world not just in the USA ?? we’re calling concerned about all the new patients having cardiac problems after getting the JAB
        I was one of those patients and ? absolutely. ? % will NOT be vaccinated because the BOZO ordering the people of the USA to comply with his orders.
        Proof the Jab was never needed and how about all the patients that were Vaccinated were actually in my eyes MURDERED
        Joe B & Mr. Faci should both be locked up in jail for murdering all of the citizens of the USA ?? because they knew the masks, the shots and boosters were not working

        1. We are abused daily by the people we gave the power to (if one believes our votes matter even, and if we even did vote them in, which I did not) so a complete implosion will have to occur, wipe this slate clean and start new, yeah, like they will let that happen either. Now that the National Guard is actually helping illegals to cross over, those that should be protecting us…well, this whole place is nothing but one big mess. I just want the merry go round to stop so I can get off, but that won’t happen either, they feed on my income/taxes.

  2. HEY JOE! Fu-k you & the camel you rode in on. We know you won’t get the real shot. You’re a lying, thieving, traitor who needs to be hung cause ur not worth the price of a bullet. #FJB,

    1. The Biden’s have dealt with COVID infection numerous times. I agree, they have not taken the “jab'”.
      We do not need a corrupt politician giving medical advice.

  3. he is just a Pupett & can’t speck unless someone pulls hiss strings,I think he shoud mandate only people who voted for take the shots & voter proof

  4. I totally agree w/ James Wilson, too many people didn’t like President Trump because he’s “Trump”. If you can’t see what Trimp did vs Biden has done then you’re Brain Washed by corrupt news medias…. $1.59 gas vs $4.35 in Cal… $7.59?. This is only one! Wake up America. Let’s get President Trump back in the White House and let him deal with all the liers like Adam Shit! Ooops misspelled again.
    and the heads of the CIA, DOJ, FBI!

    1. I think they failed but Moderna was in the process of combining the mRNa with the regular Influenza vaccine and having it approved by the FDA and out on the market by this flu season, I believe they failed.
      I have read articles that Pharmaceutical companies are trying to have all viral vaccines mRNA based, I turned 62 this past March, only when businesses or healthcare facilities enforced the mandate did I wear a Face Diaper, have not nor will I submit to having any of those toxins injected into me.

      If they go entirely mRNA no more yearly Influenza shots for me, my dad was afflicted with Shingles in his early 70s which caused nerve damage, even people prone to HSV-1 can over the age of 60 get Shingles, I received the series of 2 Shingrex shots a little over 2 years ago, so if mRNA is all they will be pushing then my vaccine days are over.

  5. I wonder how far up his ass Obama has his hand. Far enough you can’t see him standing behind him I guess.

  6. Joe Joe you are my far the worst FAKE PRES. in history and I am 86Yrs, what an idoit,besides you handlers are also idiots

    1. Going by the 1st use of the word idiot I thought you may be quite feeble minded yourself, my apologies clearly a typo.
      I realize it is in the sentiment and not the grammar but Lunatics consider all of us patriots to be poorly educated and therefore nitpick our grammar apart. Years ago I was foolish enough to post to Huffington Post articles and the average person who posted their opinions to HP articles are nothing but Libturds with primarily nothing better to do than being Grammar Hobgoblins.

  7. Just anything meaningless no power to back it up edict issued by foreign enemy faux emperor “Butt Pirate Bathhouse Barry the Osamanator.”

  8. Evil is the Democrat way. Nancy Pelosi always says,”Never let a crisis go to waste.” January 6, Covid. She is out, so Joe has to carry the bull. The mainstream media, Press Secretary, and Dr. Flip failed Fauci will give their words of advice. According to their demented world views. We cannot think for ourselves. Just let the bureaucrats, politicians, Soros, WEF, WHO, CDC, and Big Tech decide what is best for America. Do not let kids think for themselves. Parents do not interfere with the Teacher’s Unions and School Boards. They know best. Not. I think these people think everyone is stupid. I know education has lots of challenges. Some of us have common sense. Democrat policies are not common sense. Reject the mainstream media bull. “The First News,” with Jesse Kelly, and NEWSMAX that actually get the facts, show the facts, and let you decide. Not this political view determining what the facts are.

  9. Trump was the only President that actually did what he said he would do.
    He’s a business man and ran the country like a business he brought Jobs back to America again had good repour with other countries.
    And then here comes the little prick Biden and destroyed everything.

  10. I DISLIKE the name calling and infered threats and I am not endorsing them here. However, I agree that Joe Biden is and has been a terrible president who does not care for the American people. He cares and caters only to “rich people” or “connected people” who can arrange and approve the bribery payoffs I believe that he received.

  11. Hey@idumb…here is an idea…take your executive order and shove it up your arse!!!! FFFFFFJJJJJJJJBBBBBB

  12. He has no right to say that! I will question everything and anything. My Constitutional rights give me the right to! Biden needs to be warned, The American people (We The People…) are getting tired of him and will strike back against his idiocy and nonsense!

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