A defiant Joe Biden has apparently just decided to IGNORE the Supreme Court – with his Education Department announcing plans to “automatically forgive” student loans for hundreds of thousands of Americans!
The Supreme Court struck down Biden’s attempt to forgive student loan debt just a few weeks ago and this new plan shrugs off that ruling while forcing American taxpayers to foot the $39 billion bill.
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement that borrowers were having their loans forgiven due to “administrative failures.”
“For far too long, borrowers fell through the cracks of a broken system that failed to keep accurate track of their progress towards forgiveness,” Cardona said of the new plan which applied specifically to borrowers paying back their loans through income-driven repayment plans which allow for debts to be forgiven once they’ve been paid for 20 or 25 years.
Biden’s people are claiming that these records were not accurately tracked – so naturally, they’re just going to forgive ALL of the debt!
“By fixing past administrative failures, we are ensuring everyone gets the forgiveness they deserve,” Cardona claimed.
Coming on the heels of the supreme court’s decision to BLOCK Biden’s unconstitutional mass loan forgiveness plan, this new effort is a clear and obvious attempt to circumvent the nation’s highest court as many Democrats have been calling for the president to do.
Watch the video here to learn more about the NEW attempt to cancel student loans.
The Pedo Sniffer at it again in Finland.:
Biden Spotted Nibbling On Child.
President Biden appeared to nibble at the shoulder of a startled little girl during his departure from Helsinki, Finland, on Thursday.
A video of the incident, which took place as the president greeted embassy staff members and their families before he boarded Air Force One at Helsinki-Vantaan International Airport, shows Biden leaning into a young girl and placing his mouth on her shoulder as he nibbled lightly.
The little girl – who appeared frightened during the experience – later turned her head when Biden, who will turn 81 this November, tried to give her a peck on the head.
Footage from the incident quickly made rounds on social media, where several users blasted the president for his peculiar conduct.
Indeed! This specimen is an absolute disgrace and should be evicted from the People’s House a.s.a.p.
Past time to impeach that weirdo!
He needs to be gone. Is there anything personal and politically that can reign him in. The Suprem court has no say to him. Power has gone to his head.
The parents should have walked away and not allowed him to touch her but no her mom has her camera taking pictures now if that were a stranger who walked up and did that he would have been arrested. the little girls parents should be charged with child abuse for allowing him to do that to her. Biden is a sick deranged miserable sex fiend.
For being the cowards that are allowing the buckfidens’s commie cartel to exist.
Right in their (our) faces!!! Like this!
Please get this man out of the White House ASAP by any means necessary. He is an embarrassment to this country. His actions are borderline pedophile. He is also very senile and does not know what he is saying. He is also a crook and a thief by stealing Americans money and sending it to Ukraine. He and his son are corrupt in their dealings with China and Ukraine. Most of all, he was not legally elected POTUS. America! Congress! wake up and do the right thing.
Have Biden arrested for pedofelia. He is wacky and should be seeing! a psychyatrist!!!
These miserable students need to pay their own loans, Why should the tax payers have to pay for their debts. Biden I wish someone would lock you up and throw away the key
No kidding! Billions of dollars to degreed people while I was kept out of college because of poverty! Makes me sick! I was a straight A student all through school. Did anyone offer me a loan or a scholarship! Not on your life!
Impeach that Idiot now, children 9 generation from now will be paying on the inflation this idiot has caused noe without adding to it!!!!!!!!!
This is what “Lawlessness” looks like!!
Impeach this idiot. He has no concept. I paid my student loans off. I knew what i was doing when i took them out. No one helped me pay them, i worked two full time jobs to pay them. This is totally unfair. Impeach this foolish idiot.
Everyone who works needs to fix their w4 forms so no tax money goes to the Government for a few months. See who’s money the these idiots spend then. They spend spend and don’t have the money to spend. Oop’s that’s right it not their money.
Unfortunately, if everyone refiles their W4s to stop having taxes withheld from each paycheck, the govt will simply print what they need to cover the budget, knowing exactly what they will eventually collect from everyone come April 15th. In the mean time, printing more money to cover the temporary tax deficit will devalue the dollar, cause inflation and increase the national debt. Also, come April 15th, everyone will still owe the taxes not prepaid via W4s, in one lump sum, AND also pay an additional fine for still owing more than $2K on April 15th, instead of prepaid withholdings from paychecks, interest and dividends, or for failing to make quarterly prepaid estimated taxes. The IRS will use existing tax law to enforce this.
Impeach the Illegitimate presidency and administration of biden and harris for Treason and Sedition against the American people and the Constitution.
Phuk this arrogant POS! Its time for him to go!!
But let’s not forget that Joe is not coming up with these schemes. He is simply the string puppet of who knows…Barry, Michelle, Susan Rice ??? Joe doesn’t have that mental capacity. Whoever is pulling the strings know they will not get this past the high courts, but they are doing this to stay in the press and garner votes. However, I think he is a willful child pervert and is 100% responsible for those actions.
That would be obama. why else would have remained in DC so close to the Capitol? Biden is his lap dog and is beholding to do obamas biddings Pelosi is right there also. Remember President Trumps SOTU address where pelosi tore up her copy in front of all of congress, supreme court, military leaders and on national television displaying her hatred for the man. She has put the man through a living hell with impeachment hearings, Capitol invasion charges and most recently with obamas help, supposedly classified documents indictments.
And when Pelosi er Piglousy smirked, too, with impunity when Pres Trump said “There will NEVER be Socialism in our country!” All along that wicked witch had something cooked up for the 2020 Election and on Jan 6th with her refusal to bring in the National Guard for extra security!
I am becoming more and more convinced you are right Ted, but what is the answer ? When every single so-called government “agency” – IRS, FBI, DoH, DHS, and even the DoJ – are simply acting in unison AGAINST the Constitution and “We the People” – how on earth can WE prevail without first removing this seemingly wholly corrupted “administration” ? !!
It even appears to me that this “Presidency” is aiming to kick off WW III – simply to distract “We the People” from observing the ever-growing level of administrative corruption !
God help America – the “End Times” are upon US !
In the last 10 years I have met several student who signal up for student loans and never went to school one day and didn’t pay back the loan because they could use the money for anything they wanted.
My grandson spent 5 years in the navy so he could have a $75,000 student loan. When he signed up for classes he couldn’t get in school because the Welfare people who received students money were first to get classes.
One Welfare woman with 3 kids, received a student loan in another state. then move to CA. Applied for a grant for school. got 1200 dollars and signed up for classes but never want one day. Never paid loan back.
No student loan that the money is given to them, they don’t go to school never pay back.
Maybe giving the money to school would be just as much fraud
Prayers for our country and kids.
Our Military, Law Enforcement, BP, FBI, Firefighters, everyone in danger
Impeach Biden and make the election honest.
I love the sentiment but I feel that I must correct you. There is no such thing as the “democratic party” It is the “democrat party” !!! There is no democratic or democracy in the democrat party. Call it the communist party or socialist party which it more akin to
Totally and One Hundred per cent CORRECT, Lord Robert ! Sadly the “American Media” share a Death Wish – “Let no Truth about the Bidenites ever see daylight nor ever be witnessed on American soil !”
For so long as this is permitted to continue – by well-heeled RINO’s in both Senate and HoR – America will continue down the slippery slope to civil war ( which is why the Demonrat Party are so keen to abolish the Second Ammendment !)
Perhaps I am wrong, and simply the start of World War III – thanks to Bidenites – will divert attention long enough for the criminals to escape the land.
They need to stop the predatory lending tactics by Sallie Mae. They are charging 12-14% interest per quarter compounded quarterly. With type of lending tactics, No one will ever pay off their loans regardless of what they make
How about we cancel each and every Biden administration member including Biden himself permanently! These people do not deserve to exist.
This puts Biden in contemt of court.
Throw that POS in jail
Some of these free-loading students come over from India e.g. and act so ‘intelligent’ but yet to this day communities in that country crap and piss over the decades, just like now in San Fran and LA e.g., and for some reason aren’t able to build proper water and wastewater treatment plants and have proper indoor plumbing!!
Sadly, on the other hand its part of the ongoing caste system in that part of the world!!
It wouldn’t make any difference if pedo Joe was thrown in jail. He’s an expendable flunky puppet, the traitors controlling his strings are the ones who should be in prison or shot for treason against the United States and the legal citizens of the country. Pedo Joe hasn’t got the mental faculties to pull off these traitorous backstabbing policies.
We paid for our education. They should pay for theirs. We shouldn’t have to pay for ours and theirs!
Right! A loan is simply granted with the understanding that it MUST be paid back! – and the very act of signing one’s name to the loan application conveys the responsibility to REPAY that loan! Any student of business law is fully aware of that fact. We have laws in this nation for a good reason and anyone who presumes to be above the law risks legal action. Unless the holder of that debt declares it null and void, the debt remains a legally valid document and failure to repay it will result in a fine, confiscation of property or incarceration.
You borrowed the money, YOU PAY IT BACK. Start garnishing their paychecks, start deducting it from their welfare checks, hold back on their SNAP benefits, on way or another these people need to pay back their own loans and not add more taxes to the hard working people of America. We’re sick to death of a corrupt government always taking money from the little guy and giving it to bums and lowlifes. I hope that the people who voted for Biden are starting to wake up and see how much he’s destroyed everything about our Country. He needs to be removed from office and hung for TREASON. VOTE REPUBLICAN IN 2024.
Well from what I see from Biden is that we don’t need any judicial system at all.
He has obviously read Adolfs’ book – Mein Kamf – and so is well-prepared for what comes next !!
Preserve the Second Ammendment AT ALL COST !!
If us taxpayers are going to be made to pay off all the student debt then how about we expand the net and forgive those who have payed off 20 years worth of a 30 year mortgage, or even credit card debt over a certain amount??
First thing to do is reign in this out of control administration and stop their fraud, waste and abuse.!! I haven’t been able to calculate how many levels of future generations it will take to recover from this administrations out of control spending policies, if at all !?!?