When it comes to illegal immigration the Democrats just can’t help themselves, they keep pushing and pushing more illegals into our communities as they blatantly try to replace any American opposition with “loyal” illegals but it’s become increasingly obvious that the American people are FED UP.
Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez found that out the hard way when a recent town hall event she hosted for a group of her commie-loving supporters went south.
AOC got up on stage and started bragging to her supporters about how she was making progress on the infamously horrible “Green New Deal” but her constituents made sure she was aware of the fact that this is not even close to their biggest concern in today’s America.
The state of New York has been rocked by hordes of illegal immigrants, with her district getting hit especially bad by the crisis so voters were FURIOUS about AOC’s out-of-touch rant about “Climate change.”
One man interrupted AOC screaming at her about the real issue at hand.
“AOC, you sound ridiculous, you scrub! Secure the border! Secure the border now! All you care about is illegal aliens and their votes! You don’t care about your constituents! You don’t care!”
Then another joined in to shred AOC to pieces as her security goons jumped all over the first man and forced him out.
When people in AOC’s far-left district are even sick and tired of illegals destroying America, the Democrats are in serious trouble.
Watch the video here to see this open border Democrat get destroyed!